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The Practical Witch's Almanac 2023: Infinite Spells (26) (Good Life)

The Practical Witch's Almanac 2023: Infinite Spells (26) (Good Life)

Regular price $8.00 USD
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The Practical Witch's Almanac is your guide for the year. Celebrate the Sabbats and work with the energy of the moon to achieve your goals. This edition has everything you've come to depend on, including* Sabbats, exact Cross-Quarters & Holidays* Moon Phases & Astrological Signs* Meteor Showers, Blue Moons & Eclipses* Trivia & Historical Tidbits* Weekly Psychic Insights* Monthly Study Guides* Magical Correspondence for: herbs, stones, crystals, colors, tarot cards, runes, and more.* and, of course, Spells, Rituals, Meditations, Exercises, and Recipes. You'll never need another spell book! This year's theme is Infinite Spells. Spells for many occasions are included, each broken down to show you how they work. By understanding how spells are made, you can design your own or make substitutions for ingredients. It's all about empowering you and inspiring your creativity. You'll learn how to develop your spells based on the fundamental principles of magic. The worksheets and Book of Shadows templates guide you through constructing your spells and recording their results. You'll learn how to prepare yourself and your space for magic, how to use your almanac to help you find the perfect time to cast your spells, and how to use the magical correspondences to boost your spells. This is the year to embrace your power and use your magic to grow, heal, and be your authentic, Witchy self!
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